Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Using the "Three Phases of Creating" To Manifest Your "Designer Body"

Here is a quick outline in how to engage the Law of Attraction to create your "Designer Body", using the "Three Phases of Creation". The "Three Phases of Creation" is '"attraction system" which allows people to easily harness the Law of Attraction so they can live the life they want. Here I have customised it to help you create your "Designer Body". If you follow the steps and gradually build your vibrations as you move through the three phases, you will find you can achieve amazing results. 

As Super Mario says: "Here we go!"

  • Know what you want. Create a name for your "Designer Body". It is important that it resonates with the body you want to create and it should be a statement of where you want to be.  So positive terms only. There's no room for resentment for how your body currently is. 
  • Clarify the image of yourself with your "Designer Body". How does it feel? Use your feelings as a compass to point you in the right direction. Go with what feels good.  We can then formulate these into our intentions.
  •  Intentions are a superior form of framing our desires than setting goals, as they announce an action, unlike goals which  have duality. That is, there can be success or failure. Intentions have an implied obligation to take action.With a goal you can hold a desire in your thoughts, but there can be a negative aspect to them as well as a positive aspect.  So if you focus on your weight it may well be your extra weight that holds your attention. This means that you will continue to experience being overweight. Holding an intention only embraces only the positive aspects of our desires and enhances your ability to manifest your desire. We formulate our intentions asa follows.
I intend to analyse my schedule to create time to care for my wellbeing.
I intend to include  regular walks in my daily life for fitness and stress relief.
I intend to focus on the wellbeing that food will bring me. Nutrition is important to me.
I intend to enjoy one or two drinks, savouring the flavour and pleasure it brings and not drink for the sake of it.
I intend to take time out  daily to focus on my wellbeing. (Meditation? Calm time. Creative time)
I intend to take a weekly Pilates class to build strength and fitness.
I intend to have dinner with the family 4 times a week to maintain connection. 
I intend to  go to all the kids sports fixtures.
I intend to expect success.
I intend to hold a positive image of myself and my body.
I intend to share the load.
I intend to make the kids responsible for meeting their obligations.
I intend to make the household a co-operative. Everybody chips in to make it work.
I intend to analyse the week for opportunities for calmness and enjoyment.
I intend to focus on the wellbeing that food will bring the family. Nutrition is important to me.
I intend to get the family involved in meal times, Share the load.
I intend to walk/ride the children to school as often as possible.
I intend to walk more. Drive less.
I intend to take a weekly yoga class.
I intend to join a monthly book club.
I intend to have one family activity a week.
I intend to meet with friends regularly.
I intend to hold a positive image of myself and my body.
I intend to stand for the committee of my sporting club.
I intend to get a trainer to design a fitness program to improve my performance.
I intend to join some friends in buying a seasons ticket to the city's theatre company.
I intend to have a monthly "dinner date" with my "true" love.
I intend to ring friends weekly.
I intend to study meditation to enhance my wellbeing and promote joy and happiness.
I intend to take cooking classes to learn how better to cook healthy foods.
I intend to invite the whole family over to celebrate the families significant events.
I intend to expand my vegetable garden to become more self sufficient and grow healthier foods.
I intend to garden at least 2 days a week.

When you intend to do something there's it's  announcement to the world and the universe as to your desires.

Focus only on the things that you desire in your life. Be thankful for your body and the great things it has allowed you to do. This is VERY important because if you hold resentment or anger for it's current state, this vibration will hold you where you currently are. This maybe easier said than done, but if negative emotions are ruling your life, this is the place you'll stay. Remember "like attracts like". If this proves difficult try the "Sedona Method" to let go of unwanted thoughts and feelings. It is simple but powerful. I'll post my easy method in a  blog post for you to try.
  • Think as though you already have your "Designer Body". How would you act?
  • Look to hold feelings as though you already have your "Designer Body". How great does it feel. Remember these feelings. Visit them often. Our expectation is to receive our desires and so we can move to:
I expect to great wellbeing
I expect to enjoy being more active.
I expect get great benefit from walking instead of driving
I expect to create time to look after my wellbeing.
I expect nutrition and wellbeing from the food I eat.  
I expect to be in vibrational sympathy with the food I eat.
I expect to easily attain and maintain my "Designer Body".
I expect to enjoy liviing with a "Designer Body".

  • Don't limit your fulfilment to a particular path or means. Be open to the limitless possibilities of the universe to manifest your desire for a "Designer Body".
  • When inspiration and intuition reveal a path – take it without hesitating 
  • Have faith in that your desire on their way. Resist the temptation to meddle and make it happen. In other words don't go round looking for the desired result. Instead, be open to receiving, as it may happen in a most unexpected way.
  • Feeling good and being happy are positive indicatorss that you are on the right path.
  • Act as if you have your "Designer Body". This is ensures that you are creating the right vibration, as "like attracts like" . So we can move to the position of "I am".
I am looking sensational. 
I am feeling great.
I am eating delicious and nutritional food. 
I am loving my "Designer Body"!
I am trim fit and healthy. 
I am strong and resilient.
I am loving life.

Now your vibrations are in alignment with our desires! This can bring real change into our lives as all the little "I am" statements we hold about ourselves create our persona. If we can move from:

"I am always poor." To. "I am always flush with money."
"I am always struggling with my weight." To. "I am my ideal weight."
"I am never well paid." To "I am highly paid for my work."

We can improve our lives dramatically! This is the role of the "Three Phases of Creation". To take a desire and build the vibration from an initial intention. Build the vibration until you expect to e part of your life and finally it is integrated into your life when  you hold the belief. "I am!"

  • Most importantly we must be thankful and appreciate the things that you already have in your life. 
Once you have what you want be grateful for what you have received. 

"I am thankful for all the great things in my life."

The role of gratitude in receiving your desires  cannot be under estimated. Gratitude eliminates resistance that comes from be out of alignment. Gratitude puts us in a place where we can receive our desires.

So have a go. It does require practice, but with persistence the results can be amazing.

If you would like to read more about the "Three Phases of Creation", go to my web site:   And fill out the mailing list form and I will e-mail you a free copy of my E-Book "Practical Attraction."

If you would like to learn more about "Designer Bodies", go to my web site:  Practical Attraction

 Read my Law of Attraction Story at: Radical Attraction

Creating Your Designer Body

Today is the day to fulfill some promises that I've fobbed off in moments when I've been inspired to do other things. So being a man of my word I will belatedly fulfill my committments.

Firstly I am going to explore Designer Bodies. We are all unique with our own unique path in life and this means we should look to create our own unique body for  the journey we are on. In my previous blog I talked about the "All rounder Body" I wanted to create. Pretty boring I think! I also threw out some other options, some serious and some not so serious. Now let's get serious about some possible "Designer Bodies". I offered the "Over Worked Business Man" and the "Frantic Mother". I think there are plenty of people that would identify with these descriptions, but maybe it is important to label our "Designer Body" according to where we want to be and not where are. We are going to use the principle "Think What You Want". So let's try these names instead.

"The Master of Business"

  • Prioritises to do the important things first.
  • Eats a broad and balanced range of foods which are nutritious and delicious.
  • Dresses smart in stylish clothes to give a strong impression..
  • Is healthy and strong.
  • Is outgoing and energetic when mixing with people.
  • Is happy and full of wellbeing.
  • Enjoys a drink but doesn't use it as a crunch or stress relief method.
  • Handles pressure and difficult situations without bottling up stress.
  • Contributes to home and family life, achieving a good balance.
  • Commands presence and is always confident and in command.
  • Treats people with honour and respect.
  • Approaches life with optimism and confidence.

From here our intentions might be:

  • I intend to analyse my schedule to create time to care for my wellbeing.
  • I intend to include  regular walks in my daily life for fitness and stress relief.
  • I intend to focus on the wellbeing that food will bring me. Nutrition is important to me.
  • I intend to enjoy one or two drinks, savouring the flavour and pleasure it brings, not drink for the sake of it.
  • I intend to take time out  daily to focus on my wellbeing. (Meditation? Calm time. Creative time)
  • I intend to take a weekly Pilate s class to build strength and fitness.
  • I intend to have dinner with the family 4 times a week to maintain connection. 
  • I intend to  go to all the kids sports fixtures.
  • I intend to expect success.
  • I intend to hold a positive image of myself and my body.

You can see that by creating your "Designer Body" you begin to embrace wellbeing throughout your whole life.

"The Magnificent Mum"
  • Shares the load. The kids don't get everything done for them. Everyone is allocated responsibilities.
  • Looks at their life to look for opportunities to make less frantic.
  • Makes time for friends.
  • Eat a broad and balanced range of foods which are nutritious and delicious.
  • Dresses smart in stylish clothes to for confidence and self-esteem.
  • Is healthy.
  • Drives the car less. Walks more.
  • Focuses more on wellbeing than the house being a little messy.
  • Takes to read for pleasure and stress relief.
  • Makes sure the family connects as whole regularly over the week.
  • Is happy and Joyful.

( Sorry. This includes some of bias on how I believe kids should be brought up with a degree of responsibility and independence)

From here our intentions might be:

  • I intend to share the load.
  • I intend to make the kids responsible for meeting their obligations.
  • I intend to make the household a co-operative. Everybody chips in to make it work.
  • I intend to analyse the week for opportunities for calmness and enjoyment.
  • I intend to focus on the wellbeing that food will bring the family. Nutrition is important to me.
  • I intend to get the family involved in meal times, Share the load.
  • I intend to walk/ride the children to school as often as possible.
  • I intend to walk more. Drive less.
  • I intend to take a weekly yoga class.
  • I intend to join a monthly book club.
  • I intend to have one family activity a week.
  • I intend to meet with friends regularly.
  • I intend to hold a positive image of myself and my body.

In most families, everything just kind have happens with obligations and activities sprouting up all over he place. This can make life frantic. So by looking at you week, and looking for a more co-ordinated approach, you might be surprised at the opportunities for a calmer approach just might appear.

"Full On For Life" This is probably for someone who's family has grown up.

  • Gets involved in the community.
  • Plays regular sport.
  • Loves the theatre.
  • Loves food and wine.
  • Has a large circle of friends.
  • Always friendly and happy.
  • Outgoing and positive.
  • Invests in their relationship.
  • Committed to the extended family.
  • Loves garden and grows their own fruit and vegetables.
  • Always looks the part.

From here our intentions might be:

  • I intend to stand for the committee of my sporting club.
  • I intend to get a trainer to design a fitness program to improve my performance.
  • I intend to join some friends in buying a seasons ticket to the city's theatre company.
  • I intend to have a monthly "dinner date" with my "true" love.
  • I intend to ring friends weekly.
  • I intend to study meditation to enhance my wellbeing and promote joy and happiness.
  • I intend to focus on the wellbeing that food will bring me. Nutrition is important to me.
  • I intend to take cooking classes to learn how better to cook healthy foods.
  • I intend to invite the whole family over to celebrate the families significant events.
  • I intend to expand my vegetable garden to become more self sufficient and grow healthier foods.
  • I intend to garden at least 2 days a week.

You might say how is this going to create the "Designer Body" I want? Well too often people ignore the caring of themselves and focus on their business or family responsibilities and so they abrogate their responsibility to their body and their type body is then created by default. That's how all of sudden you realise you are not what you used to be and you become unhappy with yourself. By taking a more deliberate approach to life and ensuring there is a little bit of time to invest in the care of your body and focussing on a strong and positive feeling about our body, you will find you can make significant improvements. Your whole life needs to be integrated  as often it is people taking a single dimensional approach to fitness and diet that leads to failure. This is what "Designer Bodies" is all about. Creating the right body for unique life journey and so create the life you desire. It is a fully integrated approach.

So what have you got to lose. What are you going to call you "Designer Body"?

Yours in wellness.


If you would like to learn more about "Designer Bodies", go to my web site:  Practical Attraction

Find out about the "Three Phases of Creation" at :  Law of Attraction Handbook

 and read my Law of Attraction Story at: Radical Attraction

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Embracing Wellbeing - Intending Wellbeing

In the previous Blog I talked about using Wellbeing as the criteria for indicating the state of our body and the idea of creating a "Designer Body". So, how do you measure the wellbeing of your body? There are many indicators that give us a snapshot of certain aspects of our body. They include:

Resting heart rate.
Your recovery rate.
The inch measurement around your chest and biceps.
The pinch test for body fa.
Dress size. 
The BEEP test. 
Vertical leap.
Suicide sprints.
Maximum power lift.
There a myriad of ways that you measure the state or performance of our bodies, but none of these give holistic method and skew our understanding of body down a narrow path, particularly as many of these measurements are related to  an athletic performance. Those that indicate size can also be unhelpful. When I was young, all women wanted to be a dress size 10. Now it seems that dress size 6 is the most desired. But of course many, if not most women cannot attain this and of course there are some characteristics of our body size that we can never change

If we are going to use Wellbeing as the criteria for where our body is at, it is a far more subjective criteria, but it has the potential to give a more holistic interpretation of the state of our bodies. These days we tend to demand "hard data' so that we can make rational, objective decisions. What I am suggesting is using some subjectivity in deciding what is the optimal condition our body. Our "Designer Body".

As discussed in early blogs, not all of us need an athlete's bodies, with specialised muscles and very low fat and I think this perception that we must get in the gym and hit the training track, is a barrier for many to improving the condition of their bodies. What are some criteria we can use to evaluate our "Designer Bodies"? Could they include things like:

How refreshed do feel after cleaning the house or mowing the lawn?
How many hours gardening can you do?
Can you shop till you drop?
How much energy do you have at the end of the day?
Do you dance all night?
Do you walk the dog or do you make the kids do it?
How do you look in the mirror?
How many medications do you use?
Do you buy the clothes you want or the clothes you have to?
Do you feel pride or shame about yourself when you meet people?

The answers to these questions will give you a fair indicator to your level wellbeing. If you still feel good after cleaning the house, can garden for 5 hours, breeze through a days shopping, still have pep at the end of the day, are the first on the dance floor and the last off, enjoy walking the dog, like what you see when you look in the mirror, after a check up do you walk out of the doctor's surgery with no prescriptions, have a great new wardrobe that shows off your best features and have confidence when meeting people, I'm guessing you're in a pretty good place. All these things add to your self-esteem. Good self-esteem has to be a key indicator of your well being. Feeling good! Are good!

 Or do you:

Collapse on the couch gasping and weazing. when the cleaning is all done, spent for the day.
Choose the easiest jobs in the garden and still give up after an hour.
Look for refuge of the benches in the shopping mall, as your shopping companion leaves to hunt for the latest shoes.
Feel exhausted at the end of each day.
Sit out most dances, picking only the slow ones.
Pay the kids extra pocket money to walk the dog so you don't have to.
Avoid all mirrors and ensure you're never around when someone pulls out a camera.
Rattle because you take so many different medications.
Head to the plus size stores because they're the only ones that fit.
Hide around the corner when you spy someone you know at the mall.

If this is where you're at, you're hardly living life to the fullest and probably not feeling good about yourself or your body. It's probably time to make some changes to improve your wellbeing.

So instead of numbered measurements these answers give us a picture of how we are managing things in the world. Do the answers to these question give you a desire to make changes for the better?

The normal reaction of people would be write of a string of goals which would like this.

1. Run your first full or half-marathon
2. Run a 40-yard dash in five seconds
3. Perform 50 pushups
4. Reduce your waist size by two inches

5. Participate in a triathlon
6. Go a week without eating any processed foods
7. Aim to consume a fruit or vegetable with every meal for a whole month
8. Learn a new sport
9. Perform five full single-leg standing squats
10. Decrease your body fat percent by 5 percent

It's a pretty daunting list isn't it and the issue with creating a set of goals like this is that it can set you for failure. To achieve this kind of change requires and immense effort and although there is a small number of people that achieve this kind of goal list, most people get tripped by demands of other elements of their life. Often then, they will be discouraged and ultimately give up.

So we've chosen our "Designer Body" and we're "making friends with food" and we're "Embracing Wellbeing" as the optimal condition for our bodies. How do we bring the necessary change to our lives and how do we measure or recognise we've achieved wellbeing?

In my Blog, "The 3 Phases of Creation - A "How To" On Creating With The Law Of Attraction" which you can find at: 

I discuss using "The Three Phases of Creation" to harness The Law of Attraction. The first phase is intention. In this blog I write:

"Intentions are a superior form of framing our desires than setting goals, as they announce an action, unlike goals which  have duality, that is, there can be success or failure. Intentions have an implied obligation to take action. You can hold a desire in your thoughts, but in setting goals, there can be a negative aspect to them as well as a positive aspect.  So if you focus on money it may well be your lack of it that holds your attention. This means that you will continue to experience the lack of money. Holding an intention only embraces only a positive aspect of our desires and enhances you ability to manifest your desire. "

So as an example, I've decided to call my "Designer Body" "The All-Rounder"!

The "All-Rounder":

Does chores around the house for the whole day. No Sweat. No collapsing!
Can bend and touch my toes and do my shoe laces easily and comfortably.
Can walk briskly for an hour easily and comfortably.
Feels comfortably tired and ready for sleep at the end of the day.
Eats a broad and balanced range of foods which are nutritious and delicious.
Feels hungry before meals and comfortably sated, no bloated, at the end of meals.
Is positive and energetic and doesn't avoid tasks that may require physical effort.
Dresses smart in stylish clothes when going out.
Is healthy.
At parties is outgoing and energetic.
Is happy and full of wellbeing.

From this we can form our "Intentions".

I intend to be a little more active everyday.
I intend to use the car less and walk more.
I intend to go for a walk on my days off.
I intend to do an extra house chore every week.
I intend to eat more fresh and raw food, and less processed food.
I intend to eat until I feel sated and not until I feel bloated.
I intend to buy great new clothes.
I intend to be positive and outgoing.
I intend to be happy and well. 

This is not nearly as daunting as the string of goals and the beauty of intentions is that there is no failure. They point you in a positive direction and as you are able to do more , you can intend to do more. The idea is to be able to fit the changes the intentions bring, into your regular so you don't have to contort you life to make things fit in. Integrated changes are easier to achieve and more likely to be lasting and bring permanent change. It's good to repeat your intentions at the start of the day. iImagine how it would feel to complete your intention and this will keep you on purpose.

So think about it. What are going to call your "Designer Body"? Here are some ideas you might able to use.

The Overworked Business Man. The Frantic Mother. Full On For Life. The Groovy Gardener. The Wild Walker. Trim Taut and Terrific. Young and Wild. Trendy and Twenty. Dirty and Thirty. Fit and Forty. Fabulous and Fifty. Sexy and Sixty. Savvy and Seventy. Great and Eighty. Fit and Firm. Sports Mad.

Have fun with this and next Blog "I Intend" to play with this a bit more.

Yours in wellness.


If you would like more, go to my other sites below.

See the "Three Phases of Creation" at :  Law of Attraction Handbook

My Law of Attraction Story at: Radical Attraction

Or contact me via my Web Site: Practical Attraction